Day: 17 December 2019

Board Meeting Update

The Softball Ireland Board held its latest meeting on the evening of Wednesday December 11, 2019


Colum Lavery (President), Conor Sayles (Secretary), Massimo Lepri (Treasurer)

Reginald Clark (Softball Ulster), Melanie Cunningham (Fastpitch Ireland), Amanda Ní Ghabhann (Softball Leinster)

Declan Carty (Ordinary Member), Andrew Craven (Ordinary Member), Jordan Sylver (Ordinary Member)

The below is a list of key decisions/actions of the Board taken at its Wednesday December 11, 2019 meeting

Co-Option of Softball Ireland Board Members & Postponed AGM

The Board noted that the nominated candidates for Board positions had been co-opted in accordance with the constitution and that this had been communicated to the membership by email and placed on the website here. The Board further noted that the Regional representatives and Ordinary appointments will need to be ratified by the AGM, however Massimo Lepri appointment as Treasurer is confirmed for the remainer of the current term through the 2020 AGM.

The Board noted that Colum Lavery continues to act in the capacity of President pending the holding of the election at the postponed AGM on January 11, 2020 (or EGM on January 26, 2020 if required).

The Board noted that the postponed AGM will take place on January 11, 2020 in ALSAA and will be followed by an EGM to consider a number of constitutional amendments (and Presidential election if required) on January 26, 2020.

2020 Tournaments

The Board confirmed the dates of the 2020 tournaments as set out below. The Board noted that no decision can be taken on SINCC pending the postponed AGM on January 11, 2020.

  • BWC 2020 – Saturday April 25, 2020
  • IOST 2020 – Saturday & Sunday August 22/23, 2020 

(Post Board meeting: Registration links and full details on BWC & IOST are available by clicking here)


The Board considered the 2020 draft Budget and noted that a final draft would be circulated to the board for consideration once Massimo had an opportunity to review the numbers.

The Board further agreed that Massimo would propose updated financial processes in accordance with the Governance Code in advance of the next meeting of the Board.

Regional Updates

The Board noted updates from the three Regional representatives in attendance.

European Softball Tournaments 2020

The Board noted that the deadline for entering teams into the 2020 European Softball Tournaments is December 31, 2019 and confirmed the entry of the following:

  • Slowpitch European Championships – Mens National Team
  • Fastpitch European Championships – Women’s National Team
  • European Slowpitch Cup – Dodder & Belfast Brawlers

Slowpitch National Teams

The Board agreed to the creation of a new (non coaching) role to head up the Slowpitch High Performance programmes. The Board created a sub committee to draft a job description for the Director of Slowpitch HP which would be advertised prior to year end.

Medical Working Group

The Board noted concern raised at the SL AGM that medical treatment/advice was been provided by individuals who may not be suitably qualified. The Board formed a Medical Working Group and requested that Dr. Melanie Cunningham (Chair of WBSC-Europe Medical Commission) and Dr Andrew Craven consider Medical/First Aid guidelines for the sport which may be implemented at all tournaments and by the Regional Associations.

Umpiring Working Group

The Board noted a brief update on progress to date and further noted that an update will be circulated in due course.

Baseball Softball Ireland

The Board received an overview of progress to date with the development of Baseball Softball Ireland and the Sport Ireland membership application.

On the 1st Softball Day of Christmas …

On the first Softball Day of Christmas, Softball Ireland gave four sets of indoor bases to the Dublin Indoor Softball Tournament.

Softball Ireland are delighted to announce the granting of four sets of indoor bases to the organizers of the Dublin Indoor Softball Tournament ahead of the January 25, 2020 tournament. We hope the grant will assist in keeping the costs down and assist in the running of this must not miss event by Julie Trundle.

The tournament was resurrected by Julie in November 2018 with great success and we look forward to full tournament on January 25th. Follow Dublin Indoor Softball Tournament for more details – click here